Monday, October 23, 2006


As I woke up today, this psalm came into my mind. it reminds me of God's love for me and how much He wants to be close to me. i read it in chinese and would like to share it in chinese. be bless by the love of God! You are fearfully and wonderfully made by Him! He loves you!

His love letter for you. Go open your mail!
詩 篇 139
1 耶 和 华 啊 , 你 已 经 鉴 察 我 , 认 识 我 。
2 我 坐 下 , 我 起 来 , 你 都 晓 得 ; 你 从 远 处 知 道 我 的 意 念 。
3 我 行 路 , 我 躺 卧 , 你 都 细 察 ; 你 也 深 知 我 一 切 所 行 的 。
4 耶 和 华 啊 , 我 舌 头 上 的 话 , 你 没 有 一 句 不 知 道 的 。
5 你 在 我 前 後 环 绕 我 , 按 手 在 我 身 上 。
6 这 样 的 知 识 奇 妙 , 是 我 不 能 测 的 , 至 高 , 是 我 不 能 及 的 。
7 我 往 哪 里 去 躲 避 你 的 灵 ? 我 往 哪 里 逃 、 躲 避 你 的 面 ?
8 我 若 升 到 天 上 , 你 在 那 里 ; 我 若 在 阴 间 下 榻 , 你 也 在 那 里 。
9 我 若 展 开 清 晨 的 翅 膀 , 飞 到 海 极 居 住 ,
10 就 是 在 那 里 , 你 的 手 必 引 导 我 ; 你 的 右 手 也 必 扶 持 我 。
11 我 若 说 : 黑 暗 必 定 遮 蔽 我 , 我 周 围 的 亮 光 必 成 为 黑 夜 ;
12 黑 暗 也 不 能 遮 蔽 我 , 使 你 不 见 , 黑 夜 却 如 白 昼 发 亮 。 黑 暗 和 光 明 , 在 你 看 都 是 一 样 。
13 我 的 肺 腑 是 你 所 造 的 ; 我 在 母 腹 中 , 你 已 覆 庇 我 。
14 我 要 称 谢 你 , 因 我 受 造 , 奇 妙 可 畏 ; 你 的 作 为 奇 妙 , 这 是 我 心 深 知 道 的 。
15 我 在 暗 中 受 造 , 在 地 的 深 处 被 联 络 ; 那 时 , 我 的 形 体 并 不 向 你 隐 藏 。
16 我 未 成 形 的 体 质 , 你 的 眼 早 已 看 见 了 ; 你 所 定 的 日 子 , 我 尚 未 度 一 日 ( 或 译 : 我 被 造 的 肢 体 尚 未 有 其 一 ) , 你 都 写 在 你 的 册 上 了 。
17 神 啊 , 你 的 意 念 向 我 何 等 宝 贵 ! 其 数 何 等 众 多 !
18 我 若 数 点 , 比 海 沙 更 多 ; 我 睡 醒 的 时 候 , 仍 和 你 同 在 。
19 神 啊 , 你 必 要 杀 戮 恶 人 ; 所 以 , 你 们 好 流 人 血 的 , 离 开 我 去 罢 !
20 因 为 他 们 说 恶 言 顶 撞 你 ; 你 的 仇 敌 也 妄 称 你 的 名 。
21 耶 和 华 啊 , 恨 恶 你 的 , 我 岂 不 恨 恶 他 们 麽 ? 攻 击 你 的 , 我 岂 不 憎 嫌 他 们 麽 ?
22 我 切 切 地 恨 恶 他 们 , 以 他 们 为 仇 敌 。
23 神 啊 , 求 你 鉴 察 我 , 知 道 我 的 心 思 , 试 炼 我 , 知 道 我 的 意 念 ,
24 看 在 我 里 面 有 甚 麽 恶 行 没 有 , 引 导 我 走 永 生 的 道 路 。

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

day 3

3 days of marking have passed. one last day to go! can't wait for it to be over. my eyes are poping out and the job is really mundane. thank God that I am helping in the HQ and that's an air-con. environment. If not, the heat and the haze would have added to the ordeal.

just came back from Wesley Methodist Church attending a teaching seminar by Ps Benny Ho on the book of Ecclesiastes. Great insight to the book. Praise God for teacher like him who can bring the scripture alive. hehe.. almost dozed off twice though.. really tired after along day! jia you! two more days to weekends!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

great time together

just came back from my G12 cell mtg with the brothers. it was great! although not everyone was present, we still had a great time of fellowship and sharing... thank God for this cell and these brothers! God's gift.

yawn! sleepy le.. tml still have another day of PSLE marking exercise.

Monday, October 16, 2006

my niece has left...

after 3 weeks together, my niece finally flew back to melbourne. this time she won't be back for at least a year.
today is the first monday after she left. everyone's mood is kinda down... sigh... especially my parents. they are both retired and i could really see that they are emotionally very much affected, yet they are still putting a strong front. guess that's the way to cope. suddenly life's routine returns. waking up and not having her around. i really know how much she means to them.
today, we went on skype and saw my niece. she just stared into the camera and didn't really talk or respond to us. guess she is too young to understand. for a moment i was really affected. can see but cannot touch her. i believe this is in everyone's mind... a really depressing thought. so i just walked to my room and do my marking.

separation is really tough to manage even if it is temporary. treasure what you have while u still have it.

Friday, October 13, 2006

A Vision For the Future

I was reminded of a msg that God spoke to me some time back.

The passage is found in Judges 2:8-13 vs 10 : After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel.

Interestingly the Lord shows me that after Joshua was dead, the next generation that grew up neither knew who God is... this verse really stunned me. aren't Moses and Joshua the leaders of God who had brought Israel out of captivity in Egypt and into the promise land of Canaan? Aren't they the generations that had seen the miracles of God(parting of red sea, supply of manna, pillar of cloud, pillar of fire, water from rock)? This is the third generation after Moses.

What had happened? As i pondered on this, the Lord spoke to me. He told me the problem lies with the Joshua generation (the second generation). This generation had no vision for their descendants. Their vision were their own- rest. Why rest? becos they were weary and tired after engaging in wars for numerous years. They wanted their allotment of their promise land badly so that they can 'rest in peace' what i term as living in a nice cottage by the calm, peaceful lake. Yes, that was what they yearned for.. so much so that they forgot about their children. They did not have a godly vision for them, hence resulting them growing up not knowing who God is and what He had done for Israel. Consequently, this generation grew up sinning greatly. They worshipped idols and forsook all of God's ways. This led to judgment and wrath that befall upon them.

the Lord has burned a passion in me - to stand for my generation. He told me that if nobody were to stand up for this generation, they will grow up being the same as the generation after Joshua-LOST. I know this is God's vision for my life - a vision to see the next generation knowing God and His ways.

1 John 3:16 'This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers

Have a vision not for yourself cos it is an end to itself. Rather, have a vision for the future where new life begins.

Friday, October 06, 2006

1 2 ...take off!!!

nice shots by basia...hehe... really think it is very comical... hahaha.......
..........(warming up)... ready 1............
................take off!!.................

..............*charlie chaplin*............

expo hall 9

*the saints*
me and jason
the saints again
lovely human pyramid by jason, adeline, melanie, myself, rachel & JX

hi, sharing with you some pics that we took at expo two sundays ago. we were celebrating basia's birthday and then started to take photos and do funny things.. lol

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


watching hi5 now.. hehe.. eversince my niece is back, our routine is kind of affected a little.. even the tv programme that we watched.. hmmm.. you know there is this 'magic' about hi5.. every kid seems to be captivated by it... my niece is one good example. Everyday, she will sit so still before the tv for the 30 minutes and enjoy every bit of the show... AMAZING!.. cos you dunno how difficult it is to keep her still even for a second.

Went to toy r' us on monday.... wow so many toys.. i was supposed to get my niece a gift but ended up looking at the remote control car. told my dad that that has always been my childhood dream... when he heard it, he just laughed and said , " last time eat also no money... how to realise such dream.." hehe.. which was true then... life was tough when we were younger. he told me to buy now and realise my own dream... hmmm.. i hesitated for a while and didn't in the end.. felt it was never the same now... strange... well.. i bought for my niece a pink tricyle for children's day. i can actually push it and maneuver it around.... there is even music and lights.. aha.. so fun.. even to me. i also bought for her a disney cooking set... with toaster, bread.. etc .. she has been feeding me with bread since then... yummy

yesterday pushed her around the estate... and play 'jia jia jiu' with her...