Today is Teacher's Day celebration! It was fun! My class did an autograph book for me. I' m really touched.. was telling them that we have another term together before we part, so i am gonna treasure every day with them. I really love this class. so fun and lovable.. we are always laughing and joking.. but of course got study lah.. haha. These are some of the concert photos. And the ex-students that came back.. just so happy to see them. took loads of pics too!

This is Bernard singing... really like superstar!

Ivan and the rest performing Tae Kwan Do!

Cool isn't it?

The performers!

Look my miniature! Mr Tan too! from my class. Emcee for the concert.

TKD team!

Ex- students back! so happy to see them. Atiqah and Syafiqah! Sec 3 already. taught them when they were in P4.

Everlyn and Cassandra.. P6 2004

Look at them, as tall as me! Si Xian and Gino.. gave me the most prob then.. but have grown up to be so sensible and mature... miss them (: P6 2004

The 3 sisters! Jacqueline, Adeline and Everlyn. All studied in PPS!

P6 2003 Saiful, Afian and Jeffrey.

Hillary. She is a half Japanese. Taught her in P4. She was so cute then.

P6 2003/ I really love this batch of P6 even though I only relieved the class for a week. mostly my prefects then.

TWINS: Jia Yi and Jia Qi Dun they look so much like the girls in japanese comic?

Wei Qian, Zheng Ning and Shiang Ming.. wonder where is Ying Ying

That's Ying Ying and me.. they sec 4 le.. so fast..

This is Bernard singing... really like superstar!

Ivan and the rest performing Tae Kwan Do!

Cool isn't it?

The performers!

Look my miniature! Mr Tan too! from my class. Emcee for the concert.

TKD team!

Ex- students back! so happy to see them. Atiqah and Syafiqah! Sec 3 already. taught them when they were in P4.

Everlyn and Cassandra.. P6 2004

Look at them, as tall as me! Si Xian and Gino.. gave me the most prob then.. but have grown up to be so sensible and mature... miss them (: P6 2004

The 3 sisters! Jacqueline, Adeline and Everlyn. All studied in PPS!

P6 2003 Saiful, Afian and Jeffrey.

Hillary. She is a half Japanese. Taught her in P4. She was so cute then.

P6 2003/ I really love this batch of P6 even though I only relieved the class for a week. mostly my prefects then.

TWINS: Jia Yi and Jia Qi Dun they look so much like the girls in japanese comic?

Wei Qian, Zheng Ning and Shiang Ming.. wonder where is Ying Ying

That's Ying Ying and me.. they sec 4 le.. so fast..